Very useful introduction about using CUDA on Colab, especially on MacOS.
Today’s content is about the neural network architecture
Initialization is extremely important: determines how statistics of outputs behave; determins how well gradients flow in the beginning of training; limit use of full capacity of the model if done improperly.
deeper networks are more sensitive to initialization. wtih a deeper netowrk, standard deviations of the activation output reduces significantly.
Key takeaway: initilization matters the activation statistics, and therefore gradient statistics; if gradients are small, no learning will occur and no improvement is possible.
Normalization can improve gradient flow and learning. Normalization method iccludes: substract mean, divide by standard deviation.
PCA method.
impactful issues:
- Noisy gradient estimates–batches, the gradient that we obtained has high variance
- Saddle points we need to check the second derivatives
- III-conditioned loss surface
update vilocity
$v_i=\beta v_{i-1}+ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{i-1}}$
$w_i=w_{i-1}-\alpha v_{i}$
Steepest direction- use Hassian Matrix
Problem: network can learn to rely strong on a few features that work really well.
solve: flip the coin to determine whether to keep that node or not. i.e., whether to mask that node out for each iteration.
Observe the change of loss function: 1) after adding regularization, the loss function should increase
2) tiny loss change -> too small of a learning rate, loss turn to NaNs -> too high of a learning rate.
Convolution Layers:
The problem of too many parameters: computation and memory inefficient
How to solve this problem? the input is only a small patch(segregate the picture into many small pathes.), it reduces to a smaller window K1*K2
The intuition of convolution: take the kernel and flip it or rotating it by 180 degrees, dot that kernel with all the different image patches or locations in the image. start from upper left, dot product between the nine values in the image and the kernel, also a bias term.
the pixels on the margin of the picture will never be located in the center of the kernel, therefore, we should have paddings. The stride is unit that the kernel move.
The purpose of pooling was to realize the Reduction of Dimensionality:
For example the max pooling take the maximum value from the kernel.
The questions I didn’t get correct in quiz:
Which of the following is correct about the dropout layer, if the activations are not scaled during training.
which of the following parameter is required by RMRMProp but not AdaGrad
Given an input Tensor size 10101, what’s the width and depth of the output Tensor, after applying a convolution operation with a square kernel of size 5, padding 1, and stride length 3
How many learnable parameters are present in a max_pool layer of size 2*2?
Focal loss function: address imbalanced dataset, for example, impose more weight on the hard sample, and lower wegith on the simple sample.
Saliency map is a local gradient-based backpropagation interpretation method. Although saliency maps are mostly used for interpreting CNNs.
For Gradcam can highlight the areas that has great contribution in classification of the image by projecting back the weights of the output on the convolutional feature maps. In Gradcam, the gradients of the target score (the logit for the objective classes) flow into the final convolutional layer. We compute the importance score based on gradients and highlight the important areas in classifications.